Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome, welcome

Hi, everyone. Welcome to my blog about my trip to India.

I’ll be here until the middle of April, primarily studying ashtanga yoga at the Sri K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga in Mysore, Karnataka. I traveled here with my friend Martina, who I practice with at home at Ashtanga Michiga. This is her second trip here, and she is a cheerful guide who has made settling in very smooth and easy. You can follow her blog too, if you want, at martina2011india.blogspot.com

I’ve never kept a blog before, but a lot of people have expressed interest in following what I’m up to. My potential audience ranges from family members to friends to curious onlookers to dedicated yogis. I figure I’ll divide my posts into three sections, so you can just read the bits you are interested in.

The Practical

Here I’ll write about my travel adventures in general, impressions of India, and how my days unfold here.

The Practice

This part will be about how my yoga practice is progressing. If you’re not familiar with ashtanga yoga but want to make some sense of it, these links might be useful... The shala website: http://kpjayi.org, and lots of info here: http://www.ashtangayoga.info/

The Path

This is where I’ll try to frame some thoughts about this experience as it relates to personal and spiriutal development, and what I learn here that supports that journey.

I hope you enjoy reading!

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